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Mei Qian =) 28th Feb 1990

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Season's greetings!!

My Christmas presents from my 2 cousins, a Nike bag and a organiser!!! So colourful!!

Awwww!! My niece, isn't she cute??

She's trying to walk...

feeling sleepy...

Ah!! She's smiling happily!!

Celebrated grandma's birthday today. It is kinda like a birthday celebration cum family gathering cum Christmas celebration. And this year, we have a new member, my niece. Her name's Natalie, she was born last year on 28th Dec 2006. So, she's gonna be a year old soon!!! Pei Ling sis got me an organiser (which i really really want!!), a bit small, but still manageable, think at most i will use a smaller hand writing. Li Ling sis got me a Nike bag ( which i love it too!!), she always buy those cool and funky things for me, last year was my EastPak bag, and this year the Nike bag. Li Ling sis bought jasmine a Adidas water bottle (which i like it too!!!), the design super cool!! It's not those plain Adidas water bottle, so i find it really cool. Thanks Cousins!!!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Yesterday was MAKQ's outing, quite fun, but not as fun as previous outings... BUt, i still did enjoy myself. 'Cause it's MAKQ outing!! Didn't really take much pics,'cause my cam's function was not very good. It kinda sucks. Ha ha.

I LovE u Guys!!

Was so damn tired today. Slept at 5am in the morning, was watching my Hong Kong drama series. It was this really old drama series regarding the Yang heroines. What keeps me really continue watching the series was the love story between this couple. Their love was so heart wrenching, but thank goodness they lasted till the end. *cheers!* The male was played by this guy who was my idol since young, think he kinda old now, like 40plus? But i still like him!! Ha ha, he really quite good looking. IDDOOLLL!!!!!

What a lousy christmas this year!! I'm dateless!!! So freaking sad!!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Just one word to describe my emotion now: SAD!! Oh MY GOSHHH!! I can't believe it, the outing that i looked forward to most was being cancelled, due to the bad response. haiz.... But Thank goodness, Yong sheng said he gonna re-plan another one. QUICK!!! =(

Haiz... today i didnt really have the mood to jog. Went for one round only. Too many things are running in my head, so i cant really concentrate on my run. Feel so lousy. But i did sprint a short distance today. The feeling kinda good, felt the wind blowing on my skin. But i think i can do better the next time.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Went to watch movie with him earlier on. We watched The Warlords. Not a bad movie, but it is kind of gruesome. The killing scenes, the blood splashing. Woah!! Kinda scary... But overall, not bad. Think the last part was the best, when all three of them died... =[

The whole meet up lasted for quite a short while, 'cause he got something on and need to leave earlier. It's ok, don't really mind.... At least better than didn't meet up at all, ain't it? Greedy is bad for health!! Honestly, after this meet up, I've somehow sorted out my thoughts and feelings, which is a really really good thing. =) Cheers Ng Mei Qian!!! You rocks!! ha ha ha. We shall remain the way we are now and just let nature takes its course and let fate do the job. So i can just relax and shan't bother about it anymore. What a great load off my shoulder and Qian shall stay happy always!!! =)

Yesterday went out to meet my DEAREST MAK to go pasat malam. Andee brought a surprise for us. OH! What a surprise it is, indeed. He brought VODKA. ha ha. So we went to buy a bottle of Pepsi to mix with it. Then we went to a playground and sat there chat and drink!! man! We really got lotsa things to talk about. I think i got a bit drunk, just a bit. Can't really walk straight by the time we leave the playground. Then we went to McD to sit and chat again, and drink a bit of alcohol again... We left at around 11+, then all of us sent jia min back home. After that, Andee and i sent kel back home. Lastly, Andee sent me back home. by the time i reach home was around 0020. But we did have fun and i really enjoy it!! Especially the drinking part, ha ha. Sometimes its good to like just meet up for a drink. But, don't know why, i cant sleep in the night, i thought i was a bit drunk, but just could not fall asleep, weird....

Anyway, gonna meet up with my MAK soon again!!! Cam-Whore is a MUST!!! =)

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I love my new heels that i bought yesterday! So madly in LOVE with it!!

Witch Yoo Hee is quite a nice drama, and the OST is also very nice. I love the song Day by Day the most, thought the voice of the singer is rather unique. ha ha. Sounds a bit like opera, all in all, it is nice. Well, actually all the songs are nice. =)

It's mid-Dec now, the year 2007 is going to come to an end soon. Somehow, i kinda like 2007, 'cause lots of things really happened and i met many great people in this year too! I feel so fortunate! *Cheers*

Maybe it is best to be friends after all. I shall not be greedy!! Anyway, all along, it is only a one-sided love, so ya! Eventually, it will lead to no where, so no point being greedy and in the end, im the one who is gonna get hurt. So YA!!! But its a bit hard though, just hope that i won't turn back and "commit suicide". Ha ha! Guess not?

S9 outing this sat!!! I must remember to bring my cam and cam-whore with them!!! This time i think i will be able to upload the pics real fast, 'cause my cousin's card reader is with ME!!!! Maybe i should buy one card reader myself and stop causing so much troubles for her. Got the call from her just now, she has gotten back her results. She got 12(same as me), but for 'N' Level, 12 is not good. Hence, she decided to repeat her sec 4. Will support her always!! Jia You Jasmine Ong!! Next year will be a better year for both of us!! You shall work hard to get promoted to sec 5, while i, will work hard to get promoted to JC2!!! =P

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

What a tiring day today! Went shopping with Jasmine, bought quite a lot for things, spent quite a lot of money. Conclusion: I'M BROKE!!! Ha ha! I shall be spendthrift for the rest of the month to save up more money, so i can shop again? Lol. I don't think i shop enough today. Still got lots of things i have not buy yet. Clothes Clothes Clothes!!! Ha ha, I'm going crazy!!

Hmm... I'm tired. Should i let go?

Monday, December 17, 2007

Feeling so pissed and irritated!! He kept on smsing me. Though it is only two smses per day and it's those greetings smses, so i don't really need to reply. But, i still feel quite irritated! I really don't find the need for him to do that. It's over, whatever he do now, will not bring back the relationship, it will only make me feel more irritated. Stop reminding me to watch Sponge bob! Stop reminding me to sleep early! And just leave me alone! All i really want now is to really erase the memories of him off my mind. So, whenever i saw his number appearing on my mobile, it sucks! Stop barging into my live, where you don't belong!!

Alright, going shopping with jasmine tomorrow, 'cause doubt Andee has the time for me =( Hmm... Retail Therapy!! Kinda look forward to tomorrow's shopping trip, it's been ages since both of us went shopping together and she had been agood cousin all these years. She getting her 'N' Level result this coming tues, hope she can make it to Sec 5! No, not hope, but she will sure make it! Have faith in her! Jas, you can do it!!

OK! This time i must really get the A1 curry chicken puff for mum!! It really taste nice!! After I've tried it, i think that Old Chang Kee is an inferior good, while A1 is a LUXURY good!!! Ha ha!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Yawns! So tired today, took a nap at 5+pm and woke up at 8pm. Think i sleep like a pig man, ha ha. But can't help it, today really had another hard time clearing up the mess with my dad. A lot of scrapping, vacuuming and mopping to do. i think all the hard work that dad and i put in are all WORTH it! Mum was quite impressed when she came back!! =) Cheers!

Oh My God! Went to take a look at tina's blog. Finally!! It's updated. Tina also posted a picture of her that she took at the studio. Well, i think she become much much more prettier and really have those typical look of an asian who lives in "ang moh land". Think she is very happy over there and so im happy for her!! =]

Yesterday chatted with Jessie on MSN. I miss her so so so much! If things go well enough, think im gonna meet her on 27th! So happy! Think the guys are coming along, but not Wei Long i guess. 'Cause it's a weekday and Long is in army camp. So sad lah...

Didn't go out today, fell asleep when the sms arrived. ha ha ha! But it's ok, i think im too tired to go out too. Feel so stupid lah! Feeling nervous and excited yesterday for nothing, ha ha.

Dad was telling me about taking chances today. He said whenever the opportunity arrive, must grab hold of it, else you might live to regret it. Ya right -__-" But should i? Will i really regret if i let it slip through my fingers? Haiz... Sometimes, it's so hard to reach that you feel like giving up... Should i or should i not?

This pic was taken on 1st dec, CDS outing.

I'm feeling so tired. Slept at 2:30am yesterday, i was watching Yu Le Bai Fen Bai. They invited SOdaGreen. So, its a must watch for me. Didnt manage to watch the first telecast, so gotta watch the 2nd telecast which was at 1:30am. Hmm, but overall it was nice, so i think the wait was worth it. Thanks Violet! For reminding me to watch it!! =) It was really funny, especially at the end, when SHOW imitate the lead singer. By the way, after watching the show, i think SHOW can be really good in Theatre Sport-musical. He really can change the lyrics within a split second to accommodate the whole atmosphere and keep in the tune or melody. WOW!!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

OMG! OMG!! What should i do?? The unexpected happened. The day i've been waiting for so long, or rather quite some time, arrived!! But the thing now is, i don't know what to do or how to react. I feel so retarded... haiz... Save me!!!

I'm too bored!! So here to upload some pics that i should have like months ago?? But thank to my laziness, at least this pics add something into my new blog =)

Last day of sch. Happy Gang n Ms Lee...

Qian LOVE jaishree....

3 little indians n 1 chi...

er... Kung Fu Hustle?

KOpi-O and instructors (Drama Camp)

At Renaldos, after having our ice ceam at island creamery...

Jaishree and i were being childish - Aiming sauces at one another.

Chicken Little, Ugly Duckling and Ju On...

The day we sent Tina off...

Chicken little and Ugly duckling =)

Wonderful memories!!!

People! As you can see, i've re-do my blog and i even deleted away my previous taggies. A New Beginning ~ De NoVo. And i can't be bothered to wait till New Year to re-start everything. Oh by the way, did u guys realise? The "diary" was spelt wrongly. Ha ha, but i can't be bothered too. So long the overall layout is ok, i don't really mind. Hee hee X]

Hmm. Woke up rather early today to paint my house. Initially, our wall was lime green, then painted to Apple White and now, Airy White, cause mum n dad don't find Apple White nice. It was quite tiring, but, at least everything is over now. Ha ha ha! Im free!! We finished the whole thing at around 5pm, i was dead beat. So i didnt go jogging in the evening, sad... :( But it's ok, i think i burnt off enough fats for today's tiring job. ha ha!! =)

Oh ya, finally. The date for S9 outing is set, 22nd of Dec. I really miss them lots, but so sad, pearlyn n zoey can't make it. So PLZ aka SHE is left with me to attend the outing. But, it's ok. 'Cause, i still can see the others, can't wait for that day!!

School holidays is only left with a few weeks, but there are so many people i haven't meet up with!! MAKQ? Happy Gang? Rui and Justina? Wei Long, Jessie n Wei Jie? When can we really meet up?