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Mei Qian =) 28th Feb 1990

Monday, March 30, 2009

Hmm... Went out with my dear Rui on last Friday, 27th march, to plaza sing! We went to watched the movie 'The departures'! The movie was fantastic! It makes u laugh and cry at times, and as always, my Rui cried almost throughout the movie... Haha! Think everyone should go watch it! And after watching this movie, I kind of understand the job of an undertaker in japan better! It's so different from Singapore, unlike Singapore, the make up and stuff are done in the morgue, whereas over there they do it in the house. It also reminded me the time my paternal grandma passed away, and that was the first time that I saw an undertaker and I thought that they are so cool! Especially this undertaker who looked rather young, I even thought of marrying him! Haha! Till now, I still remember how he looks like, but vaguely though... Undertaker are so cool!!! They dun really mind how the other see their job and do it with great pride!! Ahhh!! But I dun think I can get to marry an undertaker in the future, cause most of them are not near my age!! Haha! Any young undertaker out there??? =)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The math paper sucks!! Dun wanna talk about it... Haiz.. If I can get 30 out of 80 I will be more than happy and promise that I will practice math everyday!! Haha!! That is, if I manage to get 30 marks for this math paper!!
I'm gonna change a new blogskin soon, can't stand this old one anymore!! No archives!! I can't refer bck to those stupid things I've done in the past!! Arg!!!
And yes, I've gained like 500grams?! Like what the hell?!?! Though I always act as if I dun mind gaining weight, I actually do mind!!! Especially when salt sAy I look fatter n stuff!! Must slim down!! It's one of my new year resolution too!! ;)

Going to have my math paper in like less than 2hours time... Stress!!!! Arg!! Hopefully this time round I will be as lucky, borderline pass for my math. Which I kinda consider well done!! My math is never good, never!!! Yes, and all the more I should not be blogging now! But just wanna take a break from all the math formula and stuffs!! Math sucks!! She's never my friend!!! I hate you!! I tried my best to make friend de with you or even like you! But it seems that you hate me more than I dislike you!! Boo!!!
Hmm... Forget it! Just fail that bloody math and pray hard that I will study harder for the next exam, which is the bloody mid year!!
Shit!!! Suddenly life is so sucks!! Especially with all those exams coming up!!! ="(

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

hee hee!! Finally know how to update my blog through my iPhone!! What a noob I am!! Haha!!
Tomorrow is my math paper, 2nd last paper!! Yeah!! But I'm not really motivated to study for this common test.. I wonder why.. Maybe cause I wanna have tea with the principal or HOD?! Hmm... So far the paper are ok... History and economics, was ok, kinda easy if you studied for it, which obviously I didn't!! =(
Hmm... Boyf said he's gonna come out with a programme to help me slim down, yeah!! No more thunder thighs!! Haha! But hopefully he's useful!! But means I can't binge anymore! My sakae buffet!! My seoul garden buffet! I gotta say bye bye to them le! I will miss u!! But maybe I can go without letting him know? It won't kill to have it once a while, especially when it is to celebrate special events!! =) mwahaha!!