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Mei Qian =) 28th Feb 1990

Monday, March 31, 2008

HELL!!! I wanna go on DIET!!! I feel that I'm getting Fatter n FATTER!!! I want to slim down!! Feel like a piggy! ha ha. Guess will start eating fruits during breaks instead of those carbohydrates!! No More Hot dogs!! More fruits!! FRUITS!!! And more exercises!!

I can do it!! I can lose weight!!! =) @ least to 50kg? Guess I'm not asking too much of myself!!

Hmm, yesterday went town with Mei Fang and we went to watch Step Up 2. OMG!! It was so so so nice. Think the movie was like damn good. The dance was great too.Those people are awesome and so is their dance. Really envy those people who can dance. Nice body, nice dancing skills. Think i should go watch Step Up, at least know what happen in the beginning.

And these few days I've been like thinking. I used to say that i want to prove Mr Ng wrong by not falling asleep in class. Hell! I'm so wrong. Actually, i don't want to prove Mr Ng wrong. But rather i want to tell him that Please do give me another chance. I'm real serious this time round and i want to get promoted and pass my History. So please don't give up hope on me and help me. Please give me a second chance. If ex-convicts are given a second chance, so do i! =)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Went to support kel yesterday, her cheerleading competition. it was fun overall. At least i get to meet up with MAKQ! =) Shall update the pics other times, super lazy!! ha ha XD

Hmm, Andee told me that samuel has a gf. Ok, when i got the news, I'm kinda sad. How i wish i could bang onto the wall or whatever. ha ha. Well, guess its a sign, telling me its time to let go and not cling onto it anymore. Time to let go and set myself free from all these miseries and stuff. Easier said than done, but i will try my best. And no , i will not tell him that i still like him. he might think that I'm a retard, clinging onto a guy for years who will not reciprocate anything. Actually, i am a retard. ha ha...

I shall give them my blessings and hope that they will love one another. Just hope that the girl will treasure him and make him happy and smiling at all times.

Bye samuel.... Wish you all the best... =)

But, honestly, how i wish the hand that you are holding is mine, not hers....

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Qian Ng got her first Ace today, my Chinese paper. Think overall my class did quite ok. Some are happy with their results, some are not. But anyway people, u guys did ur best, so do cheer up yea? Chicken will cheer for u guys always. This year's A level result's is out. None of the top scorer are from Arts. Crap! Mdm Loh said the new curriculum is really not to our advantage. SHIT!!! ha ha. Guess i will just continue to try hard. Since I've got my first A, i shall continue to strive for my other As... Jia you!!!

Went treading today. Ouch, kinda hurts. But overall is better than what i expected not as painful as i thought would be. I didn't teared at all. ha ha. But i think I'm allergic to either the tread or the powder they used. Had some rashes after the session. But after awhile, everything is ok. nice experience and i had fun. Thanks Cousin!!!

Continue to rock on... =)

had a new blog skin, nice? ha ha. Again, it does not have Archives. hee hee...

Monday, March 3, 2008

Went to support Andee today. Wow! He was like super hot when he danced! U rock man! But, apparently, he had much more stronger opponents, hence they did not get into finals... but, still, i think that he was great!!

Should have expected, Ah Family will sure go over to support Andee. So would he... Saw him today with the Ah Family... YiTing called me to say Hello, he was sitting next to her. I smiled to YiTing and i pretended not to notice him, though i think i saw him trying to smile to me... But now, i really regretted dao-ing him. Cause I'm like portraying myself as someone petty? Am i? ha ha, think i will never know the ans, coz doubt i will ever talk to him again. But many times, i try to steal a few quick glance at him, damn asshole right?! I hate myself!! I hated him and i liked him. And it's been so long and i can't still put him down. Around 3-4 years? SHIT ME!! I feel so inferior and cheapo at times.

Well, i didn't really want to "dao" him, its just that i cant seem to bring myself to look him in the eye. Upon seeing him, even if i didn't see him, memories of the past kept coming back. Some are sweet, and some are bitter. The beginning was sweet, super sweet, but the ending part was like bitter. So bitter that i did not want to think of it, so bitter that my heart aches whenever i think of it. But, i still want these memories to stay in my heart despite the bitterness, cause these are the memories that i have of him. And i don't want to forget all about it...

i like you, i like u not. i like u, i like u not. i like u, i like u not. i like u, i like u not. i like u, i like u not, i like u, i like u not. tell me what should i do....

Will u like me if im more slimmer?
Will u like me if im more prettier?

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Hmm.... happy belated b'dae to me!!! Ha ha. this year's b'dae is like super simple. Mum n dad didn't really celebrated it with me. They bought me Angie the Choice's durian puff and Anderson's ice cream. But i think, its more than enough. and thanks to all my friends who managed to remember my b'dae, whether is it on the day or belated. A very BIG THANK YOU!!!

Hmm, ok, my CDS's play, my teacher-in-charge is like willing to give me a chance to try out the lead role. Think i will try my best to get it, if i don't, at least i tried. The so-called "audition" will be this coming Monday. I can do it! And i wont disappoint those people around who supported me!! Once again, Thank you so so so much!!! =)