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Mei Qian =) 28th Feb 1990

Friday, May 29, 2009

Hmm.. Yes! Boyf got the restaurant job, which means that I don't have to boycott the restaurant or it's tofu cheesecake!! Mwahaha!! And today is boyf's first day of work, hope that he is coping well! Jia you!! :)

Anyway, had my GP paper today and yes! I'm very sure that I'm gonna get a big fat U this time round! Damn! I chose this question: Education is a social leveller. Is it true in your society? Why did I choose such a tough question?? Think I can just bang my head against re wall and just die!!! Arg!!! I wrote out of point! I wrote about the importance of education instead!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Gosh!! Yes, I'm here to rant about my sucky life again!! But what can I do? Since my life just sucks ttm! Tot that life will be better when Boyf get the job! F*** the restaurant for not hiring him! Yes! I'm so gonna boycott the restaurant! No tofu cheesecake!!! Alright, might change my mind bout boycotting it when I got a new bf in the future!! Mwahaha!! But for the time being before I got a new bf, F*** the restaurant!!!!!!! Arg!!!!!!

Life is just so sucky!!! I'm so looking forward for my sch hols to come! But, can't really enjoy sch hols.. Mid year after hols! Damn! Should have study hard when I was in my first J1 year.. If not I can PARTY now!!!!!! Haiz... Read all my friends' blog, most of them are getting into the uni and course of their dreams, esp KELINE WOO!! They are enjoying the fruit of their labour!

Lesson learnt: work hard now and you will get to enjoy the fruit of your labour next year! And stop ranting that your life Sucks ttm! All your friends had gone through what you are going through now..

OK! Yes, I'm learning!! Maybe I can learn from that SLUT, Keline Woo?! Haha! Then next year I will be on my way to Tsing Hua!!!! =) Then I can eat Beijing food everyday! And drink my fav green tea and Xing Mu everyday!! Hahaha!! And walk the Tiananmen square everyday!!!!!!!! And find an Ang Moh boyf who can speak Chinese!!Mwahahaha! Tsing Hua!! Wait for me!!!! I wanna be your international student!!! =)

But.. That Ng Mei Qian is always NATO, no action talk only.. I know, dream will always be a dream if you dun put in effort in it and change it into reality!! Haiz.. Jia you!!!

Hey guys!! When did your start studying and mugging for As? Beginning of the year? Or near mid year? I still got hope not??? Am I a gone case already?? ="(

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Hey friends!! Thanks for being concerned about me!! I'm fine!! So no worries and sorry for making u guys worried!! =) Stay strong!!

Watched Angels and Demons with jasmine today! The movie is AWESOME!! Seriously, I think everybody should catch it! It's worth your money!!!!!!!

Walked all the way home, from woodlands to admiralty... Just wanna clear out some thoughts... The whole journey, I constantly asked myself if I'm sad.. My answer, which I am very cleared about is, No! I'm not sad, but disappointed... Just plain disappointment...

I thought you will follow behind me, and just follow me quietly... But, you didn't, not even to the interchange... Was telling myself that I will forgive you and apologised for my temper, if I were to turn around and see you there... But you weren't there... A huge flush of disappoinment filled me.. Or maybe it's my fault and I deserve it?! Should not have expected too much from you in the first place... I should never have tried to change you into someone you will never be... I should have known earlier and not get myself into this whole mess...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

What do you do when you fall for someone but not the family?
What happens when the family's upbringing and culture is so much different from yours?
Ans: Just hold on and try to tolerate it.
Evaluation: It will eventually lead to nowhere...

I'm losing hope and faith in it... I really am... I don't know how long more am I able to hold on... I'm so tired in this whole thing... Its not that the feeling is not there, its there... but something else is missing... I hate it... maybe it's a mistake right from the start? This whole thing should never have started... Please, can someone just tell me that I'm wrong and I'm thinking too much??

Sometimes, it is just so boring... All the things we talked about are so mundane.. Have you eaten? What are you doing? Completed your homework? What you had for your breakfast/lunch/dinner? Yes, in the beginning everything looks so sweet and romantic, but after awhile, you will just find that it's all rubbish! Ok, at least to me... Where's the excitement in life that a relationship promises?

Im so really tired...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Was having dinner just now, and mum suddenly asked me about Hui Jie.. Damn!! Why remind me of him??? She asked me if i am still in contact with him... Of course not! We never contact!! It was usually mum and he's mum, but now they never call each other for a chat anymore... And i cant get updates of Hui Jie anymore!! Mum was wondering if Hui Jie has a girlfriend now.. haha!! I'm sure he has!! He is such a nice and sweet boy!! Ya, he should be going for he's NS next year.

Hey!! Anyone from Singapore Poly and know a very sweet guy by the name of Hui Jie?? Update me about him!!! =)

I miss him... Was actually looking out for him or he's father on Vesak Day celebration at MBS.. 'Cause he's father will usually attend, but i didn't get to see he's dad! Else i might approach him and ask about Hui Jie, of course, given the condition that I'm brave enough!! =(

Gosh! I'm damn screwed!! My phone bill summed up to around $120++ and mum is going to kill me! Actually, it is around $60+ a month, another $60 was balance brought forward. OK! in order to make mum happy, I'm going to unsubscribe my Broadband on Mobile!! =( Yes, and i am very very sad!! No more blogging on phone, no more reading of Keline Woo's Blog on my phone and no last minute surfing on my phone!! But what can i do? Since that's the only way to make Mum happy.. :( Yes, i know, i can always use my house wireless for my phone, bu what if it got disconnected suddenly and i didnt notice it? Then, happy me will just stupidly continue using it and the next thing i know, the bill sums up to more than a hundred. Better be safe than SORRY!! ='(

Monday, May 11, 2009

Yea!! Woke up early today to watch the Amazing Race, same simulcast from the US!! Hohoho! So happy!! The siblings/lawyers team, Tammy and Victor WON the race!! Yea!! I love this team!!! Tammy is so pretty, I think she looks hot! And Victor looked great too!! =) and they are so smart! Yea! Way to go!!! They rocks!! IDOL!!!! =) =) =)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Had a really long day today... And I'm so tired! But I can't sleep yet... Have to prepare for tmr's newsroom. Haiz! Didn't go drama today after sch, they are going to have their competition tmr! Hopefully this time round they can get a Gold With Honours and do PJ proud and also for CDS! We are no fucking loser CCA! So far all the nice Gold awards are claimed by us! The Chinese Drama!

Go CDS! Go get a gold or GWH back! Then you guys are on your way to perform at the Victoria Theatre!! Common Dream Shared!! =)

Somehow I kinda regret leaving CDS, but no choice, I've made that decision and it is too late to turn back now. The competition is tmr!! Haha! I miss the stage, I really do... Am no longer be able to be the centre of the limelight, no more full attention on me... Goodbye my beloved stage and drama, for good!! :"(

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I think when in a relationship, it is best not to think whether your opposite is good enough for you. No, don't ever think about that, it is going to be very unfair for both of you. Is he good enough for me? Am I good enough for him? It is going to make your relationship so miserable. Don't bother and doubt your feelings towards the opposite even if your family or friends say that he/she is not good enough for you. What do they know? They do not really know your opposite, hence they are not in a very fair position to give such a comment. And even if they are fit to, you yourself know your opposite the best and should trust them and not just listen to what others have to say about it. It is your own relationship, not their's... Besides, it is hard to say whether one is good enough for another. Good enough? What do they mean by good enough? They have a higher education qualification? Better income? Better family background? By the end of the day, you have to judge it yourself... And dun ever regret the choice that you have made... Else it is going to be really very unfair for both of you...

Monday, May 4, 2009

Love and Like, what is the difference?? Is there a difference in the first place? I was being told there is.. I like you, but I don't love you. I like you and I love you. Hmm... I still don't see much difference between both... Anyone out there to enlighten me?? Hmm...

Saturday, May 2, 2009

It was only like a few days back that I blog about CL and then I met him yesterday.. We even sat down together to have drinks and played cards... He was with boyf and dragon... Boyf was supposed to pass me the cheesecake that I bought from giant. Then he asked if I can come out for long, he was with dragon and CL... Haiz.... Yup! Everything was fine... I said hi to him, we chatted and played cards... Ok! Nothing emotional, no heartache feeling and stuffs... I'm glad I met him. Least I know he and the gf is very stable n good! And he's doing well now! :) cheers!! Take care chicken little!!! All the best in life!! :):)

Anyway, yesterday went to play bball with boyf! Damn! Now I really know why he always said I score by default! The basketball court that he has been bringing me to is really by default!! :( yesterday, we went to the so call real court, yes and it was damn hard to shoot!!!! Hmm... I still prefer the default court!!! Before we went to play bball, had breakfast with mum n dad, boyf came along too... Dad invited him... Hahaha!