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Mei Qian =) 28th Feb 1990

Monday, August 31, 2009

Arg!!! I'm now so madly in love with HP mini 110-1025, it's a pink mini laptop!! It's super nice!! And it cost only $699!! Worth it right?!?!?! I wanna own it!!!! Haiz... But I highly doubt tat my parents would allow me to buy it!! Dad kept on saying that I will only get a laptop IF I MANAGE to get into uni!!! Haiz... But, why don't you get me a laptop and all the more I will work hard and get into uni?! PLEASE daddy!! Let me buy it!! I can use my meager amount of savings to pay for it... PLEEASSSSEEEEE!!!! I promise I will be a good girl!!! :D

If not, I think I will have to rob the bank... :(

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Went to have dinner at Sun with Moon with Winson just now. My dear Rui and her boyf were suppose to join us for dinner too... But her boyf was not feeling well today, hance we decided to call it off. So Winson and I decided to go alone, since today is like the last day for his staff discount.. Anyway, we had Sashimi!! OMG!!! It was AWESOME!!!! The sashimi was so so so FRESH!! And I decided that I LOVE sashimi!! Mwahaha! Sakae sashimi really sucks!! It was not very fresh, that's why I kept on thinking that sashimi had a weird taste to it! Now I know why Japs love sashimi so much and they are so particular about the freshness.. Anyway, YUMMY! I strongly recommend SUN WITH MOON sashimi!! It's a MUST try!!! :D

Okay.. Here comes the sucky part.. After dinner, we walked around Clarke Quay.. Then suddenly, Winson told me that just now there were these few girls whom we walked pass were very pretty.. Don't know why, upon hearing that, it made my blood BOILS!!!! I know I said that I allow him to look at girls, and when he did, he must share it with me. So we can look at the pretty girl together. But, yes! Easier said than done! I DONT like it, when he fucking look at other girls!! And it fucking make me JEALOUS!!! Yes!! I'm Fucking jealous!! I saw the girls too, they caught my attention when we walked pass them! But Fuck! I just don't like it!!! Bleh!! Get lost!! Yes!! I'm fucking jealous that they are slimmer than me!! I fucking jealous that they are prettier than me! And I fucking angry that they caught my boyf's attention!! Arg!!!!!!!!!

But, I think the reason why I'm angry was that he didn't share it with me the moment we walked pass them, but was after several minutes, say 5 minutes? That's rather long k?! So it just meant that the girls' image just stuck into his mind! >=( ANGRY TTM!!!

And yes, after this incident, I decided to TRY my best to slim down and look nicer! So that my boyf will only have eyes for me and no one else! People please slap me if u ever see me binging and not controlling my damn diet! Thanks!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Poor me... Was sick for the past 2 days.. Had gastric pain and the feeling is really really sucky! Vomitted a lot... Haiz.. Doc said it was due to stress.. I wonder where all my stress come from... Oh watever! Anyway, not gonna have much school days this coming teachers' day week, shall really start mugging then... I'm really very far behind... :( I really dun hve the motivation to start, I wonder Why... Thought I should wake up by mid years? But apparently, I didn't.. And I still haven't wake up as well... Haiz.. Screw me!!

Bye Tsing Hua! Bye Local Universities! Bye Dreams! Bye going to university! And welcome fucked up life after I know I gonna fail my A!!

I can just go Fuck myself!! :(

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Haiz.. I think school really sucks nowadays.. Don't know what's up with all te teachers, like PMS sia... Haiz.. Most of them giving attitudes, ok not most but some of them.. Should really just burn down the school man! Who cares anyway! Since the school is like built on budget?! Especially the toilets!! They suck to the max!! Worse than the china ones ok?! China toilets didn't even have flies flying around, at most is a weird stench.. But the school's? Arggggg!! It totally freaks me out!! The flies, the smell.. Ewwww!! Is this even a Singapore toilet? And a school's one somemore!!! Think the government should implement the 'Singapore Ok' toilet program in schools too! And I'm sure, PJ is gonna fail it BADLY man!!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

*Yawnzzz* Feeling so tired from all the studying, but.. Nothing much was done though.. Should really give myself 2 tight slaps on the face!! Arggggg!! Don't know why, but the Woodlands Library is damn damn noisy and packed.. Many Poly students, maybe their exams are round the corner? But I thought they have their school's library? Hmm.. And where have all the Librarians gone too and the security guards? Are they called security guards? But they really dressed like one.. Thought usually they will patrol around the library and tries all ways to mark you down?? Where are they when I needed them? And why do I always see them when I don't need to! And Thank you very much for your yellow slip of paper! -.-

" thanks cousin for cheering mii upp jus nw.ended my paper2 and ii saw her txt.ii smiled. :D euu oso work hard too okays bitch.dunn b too busy wibb euur bf.its me & euur's bigg yr tix yr !! been long since we las met to hav fast food.still work hardd okays !! rmb our promise.to go clubbing endd of tix yr !!!
copied it from Jasmine Ong's Blog :)

See people! I'm such a nice and sweet cousin! Aren't I? :D
Yup yup! Let us work hard together towards our dream results and goal! And for once, hack care about the guys!! Heh heh!! Study is more important!! :) And like what Mr Ng said, always regret that you work too hard but not, regret that you work too little! Both are regret, but the former is so much better than the latter..

JIA YOU!! 加油!! :D

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Haiz... Sometimes really feel like giving up.. But on the other hand, why give up now when I only have like 3 more months to go? Sometimes I really feel so tired.. I've really tried my very best to stay awake in lectures and tutorials but to no avail.. Even got scolded by Ms Nura... Whatever, don't wanna recall such a painful experience again...

But, like what Mrs Leong said, if A level is really that tough, why would there be so many students around the world and in Singapore chose this path? Yeah.. Maybe I should just press on and strive harder.. Since I've already chosen this path, might as well put in my very best and make the best out of it.. Read kel's blog, Uni seems fun.. :) I wanna go Uni too!! To meet great people and take up my dream course. Dad has already given 1/4 of the green light for me to go China, if I do well... :) So I guess, everything is just up to me then!

To strive hard or not to strive hard, that's a question.. And I guess, I jollywell know the answer... :)


Saturday, August 15, 2009

Heh heh! Haven't been eating for the past 17 hours.. No! I'm not tryin to slim down but too tired and busy to eat.. Can't believe it that I can tahan it.. First time lei!! Hmm... Randomness.. -.-

Oh!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm like super happy! On fri, Bernice told me that she dreamt of me! Heh heh! She dreamt that both of us are in China AND I got a handsome guy with me, so most probably he is my boyfriend!! Yahoooooo!! :) Happy ttm though it is only a dream... BUT I can make this dream into a reality IF I work towards my goal, study smart for my A Level and ace it. Then, everything will become a reality!! Yes!!! :)

Meeting rui later for late lunch or early dinner at town with Winson, cause she wanna eat Pepper Lunch! Shall bring my camera over and it will be my first time eating Pepper Lunch.. :( before that, shall go over to National Library to do some research for my Thesis.. :)


Friday, August 7, 2009

Just had a chat over the phone with winson... Hmm, then he talked about what I wrote in my previous entry, regarding me wanting to go China to pursue my education and wanting to ditch him if I manage to find a better guy than him.. Said that he will let go if that really happens.. My heart feels weird... Suddenly, I feel that I've hurt him, have I? Maybe I had, by saying that I wanna ditch him for better guys.. :( but, please trust me, you know I won't... I'm never the heartless and emotionless player in this game call love..

Trust me and trust our relationship... Even by then, we will be in this relationship for more than a year, all the more it will be difficult for us to just let go... Maybe by then, it will be the other way round? Heh heh! Let's not think about it for the time being, for all these might not happen.. What is important is now.. Having you by my side and knowing that you love me.. And you know I feel the same way towards you too :) let us treasure one another dearly and the every moment that we spend together.. Let us do it, not because we fear that we might lose one another in the future, but because we love one another... :)

I love you my dear... I really do! :)

This post is dedicated to you solely... <3

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Heh heh! Ng Mei Qian seems to have found her motivation to start mugging, for the time being... Went to Tsing Hua university website.. Aghhhh!! I so wanna go there and study!! It's gonna be so fun! And the school fees is like damn cheap!! Like $26,000 a year?! In RMB!!! haha! So it's only like $5000 a year?! Heh heh! Shall work hard! With good grades then I can go over and study!! :) and make everyone miss me!! Maybe I'm just being selfish, go China and make everyone miss me.. And my parents will realize my importance.. But, not planning to tell them my plan yet.. Wait till I get my results first.. Cause if I don't do well ( touch wood ), I can't go anywhere!! :(

So my plan now is to study hard n mug hard! Can't let anybody and anything to jeopardize my WONDERFUL plan!! Even if I stay in sgp, I will also be very happy!! :) so bottom line is, GET A GOOD A LEVEL CERT.!!! haha! And find a better guy so I can ditch boyf!!!! A guy whose family will appreciate me and get along well with! :) yeah!! Happy ending!!!!

K then! Back to mugging!!!!! :)

Anyway, is it true that I can apply for uni through my (good) prelim results? And my place will be secure even if I did badly (touch wood) for the actual As??

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Feeling wide awake now, after my "nap".. It was not supposed to be a nap, supposed to sleep till the next morning. But apparently, I can't get back to sleep after I woke up to go wee wee.. Haiz, and I only slept at 930pm... Arg!! And the Blangha is on the phone again... :((((

Hmm... Felt like a glutton today.. Went to Northpoint for dinner with dear. Had 2 CHEESE chewy junior, $8.90 worth of maki, 1 extra big bowl ( I don't know why my portion was so huge) of Sukiyaki hotpot rice, 1can of Vanilla Coke and 1 sweet talk (lemonade).. Gosh!! Aren't I a glutton?! Ate so much!! Shall try to cut down on my input... But I'm having cravings now.. (guilty!!) like wth?! In the middle of the night... :( if I'm those who won't put on weight no matter how much I ate, like someone, say that Keline Woo ( I hate her for that!!! >=(), I wouldn't feel this guilty now!! Too bad too sad! I'm not!! Arggggg!!! But ok la! I'm not craving for much now, only Vanilla Coke for the time being... Haha! Damn! Think I'm addicted to Vanilla Coke, thanks to dear la! Always drink Vanilla Coke!! But I can't get it till late tmr?? Had history remedial from 6-7pm... :( Anyone out there who is so kind to deliver it to me to school tmr?? Haiz... Highly doubt so.. :"( I WANT VANILLA COKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Why do I keep feeling like crying? Suddenly, I just feel so sad... The situation that I'm in... I feel so screwed... Nothing seems to be like going my way... And I feel so lonely, emotionally... It feels like, no one really know me.. Not even... him.. Why is it that I'm feeling this way? All I see ahead of me is darkness and all I feel is loneliness...

Feeling super tired after a whole lot of housechores. Swept the floor, mopped the floor, keep the laundries, fold the laundries and iron my school uniform. Mum's friend is coming over tomorrow, that's why I decided to clean the house. Don't want to leave a bad impression that my house is in a mess.. That's why I HATE people coming over as it will means doing housechores for me. Since dad wouldn't bother a single shit and I think mum will be too busy doing it too... So it just left to me.. Whatever...

Haiz... Can't wait for As to end, then I can find a job and start earning money and I can splurge! But, on the other hand, I don't want it to come that soon, I'm not prepared AT ALL!! like WTF?! I'm such a loser!! I'm going for the grad night this year, and it's gonna held at thr orchard hotel! Screw the 10th SC! A bunch of losers!! FUCK OFF!! Decided to go since most of the people from my clique are going, and I don't like to be left out and also I missed my secondary school's prom, so all the more I should go right? Besides, it might be the first and the last time that I'm going to a prom. Cause at this speed that I'm going, I can just forget about uni! I'm not studying at all.. I don't know why, I just lack of motivation.. Someone please motivate me!! I can bid farewell to Tsinghua and the unis in Singapore.. Bye! :(

Read Kel's blog, she seems to be doing fine with her boyf's mum, so are so many of my friends.. I'm finding myself such a fucking loser.. Since young, I always thought that I'm those that can get into the good books of my boyfriend's mum... Not that I'm self-praising, but I always thought that I'm alright and I should not have any problems with my boyf's mum. And I'm so loveable! Ha! Screw me! Whatever! I don't give a damn! Cause from the beginning till now, I don't think I did anything wrong in the first place! Hate or dislike me for all I care! But, actually, as a matter of fact, I do care. I do want to be liked by my boyf's parents! And I don't think it's a good idea for me to always try to avoid THE family.. As what the Chinese proverb says, no matter what, the ugly daughter-in-law still has to meet the mother-in-law. Not that I'm ugly la!! Heh heh! Haiz, true, I can't possibly not visit THE mum during CNY right?! That will tarnish my image all the more.. Unless, we broke up before CNY.. good idea yea?! Screw me! :(