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Mei Qian =) 28th Feb 1990

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Damn! Feeling a bit hungry now.. Arg..

Anyway, today went to henderson ridges again, but this time is with winson. Was kinda fun! We walked a lot, but didn't take much photos. We made French toast to eat on the way.. Yummy!! I bit tiring but overall was fun! The main idea of this trip was to help me relax after the prelims. It really helped me to relax!! After the trip we went to the harbourfront interchange for lunch.. Angry ttm Mann!! I wanted the old school pineapple juice, then winson went to buy the fresh pineapple juice, which costed $2!!! When the old school pineapple juice only costed $0.70-$1!! yes, I'm cheapo!! Sad-ed ttm!! :( I must go back to harbourfront interchange hawker centre for food again n get my cheap pineapple juice!! :)"

Thanks dear!! For companying me the whole day today! I really enjoyed it and feel relaxed!! Thanks for taking a day off to company me today.. Really appreciate it!!! <3

Monday, September 21, 2009

Today is mum's birthday and I totally forgot about it till I saw my paternal aunt's SMS to my mum.. Feeling damn guilty... Woke up at 11am++, totally forgot what date today is.. So I also totally forgot bout mum's birthday.. :( jasmine ong said I'm such an unfillial daughter.. Bitch! But, haiz... Maybe she is right... Anyway, we didn't really celebrate.. Just ate the cake that jasmine's mum bought...

Anyway, back to the unfilial daughter part, I really am a lousy daughter.. Felt so super sad when just now, while mum n I was eating the cake, she said it's ok, I can always bring her out for a good meal when I've grown up and is stable.. Haiz.. Seriously, I think that mummy don't deserve such a lousy life and me, such a lousy daughter.. She loves both dad and I so much, but what did we reciprocate for her unconditional love that she always shower us upon? Sadness, dismay, worries and disappointment.. These are what we gave in return, yet she loves us so much and tries to give us the best.. Prepare nice breakfast for us early in the morning and always worry that we might go hungry.. Then, by the end of the day, she made herself so tired... Haiz..

I always told myself that I must give mum a good life in the future and I want her to be proud of me! Bring her to places that she wants to go and I just want her to be happy and be happy... And show those bitches at her workplace that her daughter can make her proud and stop fucking outcast and bully my mum!! You dumb fucking bitches who think that your are so high above others and all your know is to bitch and gossip bout others!! FUCK YA!!!

Mum is good in carving those sculptures... How I always wish that I'm rich enough to buy some of mum's workpiece that she's always so proud of.. All she can do is admire it once she completed it and handed it over to the sales department.. She can't even own some of it.. Always thought of buying those equipment in the future so she can carve those gems stones and keep it.. I can even get her a display area to showcase her artwork.. But, nah! I don't want her to work by then, she should enjoy her life to the fullest and relax..

Mum, I love you.. Shall study hard to give you the best!! :)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

I'm so tired of studying.. Almost can't remember what day is today, thought it was a Sunday.. I simply have got no life at all.. Everyday is to the library and mug.. But, on the other hand! Just 3 more months! (2 months of study + 1 month of A level period) and I will be liberated!! Yeah!! So for now, a little sacrification should be ok! Imagine, many more doors will open after this 3 months! Doors leading to fun fun and more fun!! Yup! I can do it!!! Shall now renounce and be a mugger siaoz and after 3 months, the world will be a better place for NMQ!! :D

Hallelujah~~~!! I think I'm in deep trouble man! Some people were burning incense papers at the ground floor. Went to close the window and I 'Aiyoh' too loud, they heard me and they looked up. So they saw me closing the windows and damn sure that it was me! Haiz.. Then I heard them discussing that I said 'Aiyoh'! Haiz.. They must be cursing and swearing at me man!! Haiz.. What if they ask the 'good brothers' to find me how?! I'm so dead!!

Haiz.. Seriously, I should not have 'Aiyoh' that loud, it was not meant to be heard by them in the first place. My comments on that should be kept within the four walls of my house and not beyond that.. Please forgive me!!

P/S: I meant please forgive me, Buddha!! I know my mistake le, and I won't repeat it again!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Am mugging in the library now.. Decided to blog first before I continue mugging.. :)

Anyway, Thesis is finally OVER!! Woohoo!! And I know my thesis SUCKS TTM!! seriously, it totally sucks! I even mixed up the date that we are supposed to hand it in! Thanks Bernice, for messaging me! :) else I will still b thinking that the deadline to email it to Ana will be today 8pm! Haiz.. It was a piece of sloppish work! Can't believe it! It concerns my A level grade and all I produced is SHIT! Nevermind, it is over.. Nothing can be done now, shall focus hard on my case study and essay then and try to pull up my grades! At least a C for CSE la hor?! Jia you NMQ!!! :D

seriously, if you ask me, a bloody C is really not enough.. But shall satisfied with a C since I've submitted a piece of rubbish to Cambridge! 55 and above should be achievable la!! :) then I shall do super awesome for my other subjects! Ok! Enough of NATO!! back to study!!! :)


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Damn angry mann!!! Even the FB system has to say that I'm fat!! Like WTF?! Arg!!!! What's more was that winson did not take it down the moment he saw that I fell into that category!! Like arg?! Yes! I just can't plainly accept that fact that I'm fat!! Bleh!!! Angry ttm! Somemore, when Pris commented that how can he put his gf under fat and all he replied was not his fault, but the system!! Arg!! He should just bloody take it down right?! Made my blood boils ttm!!

OMG!!!! heh heh! A cute Innova JC guy sat next to me in the library!! Didn't really bother bout him much until when he was about to leave an wanted to unplug his laptop from the switch, which was under my seat. Then I saw how cute he was!! His smile is enough to send me to heaven!! Hmm... Is that how u describe it? Nvm.. Anyway, yes! He was darn cute!!!!!!! His smile was so radiant!!! Arhhhhh... He's a Malay, but who cares! Heh heh! So long he's cute, I don't mind whatever race he is! Even Joanne said he is cute!!! 0:)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

I think it is nice to have good friends around to constantly remind you what your priorities are and guide you back to the correct path... :) upon seeing meif's tag, I felt warmth and fortunate.. I know I have good friends around me and she is one of them.. :)

Yep! I should know better than anyone what my priorities are.. But it seems that I've lost my way somehow as I was being too distracted by other things... But thank goodness, a good friend is around to remind me and pull me back.. It's time that I really wake up and just ignore other things that are irrelevant but just focus on my studies.. I've come so far, I can't let anything jeopardize my future.. I MUST and I WILL get into uni, and not just any university, but my dream uni, TSING HUA!!

Jia you!!! :D

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Haiz.. I'm so unlucky, went to yishun Harvey Norman and realized that the pink lappy is OUT OF STOCK!!! arg.. The salesman told me to put a deposit first and most probably it will arrive by fri.. Or should I just settle with the white one? I like white too, but I prefer the pink design.. Haiz.. Dilemma!!!!

Haiz... Seriously no mood to mug... :( feel so bad for Joanne! She can't study properly with me constantly disturbing her...

Anyway, arg!! I HATE my new haircut! Seriously, it sucks! People! Don't laugh when u guys see it! Forgot to tell aunty to follow my old hairstyle.. So now, it's not bob but layered to super thin!! Haizzz.. I'm speechless upon seeing it.. It's time for me to get a wig.. Nvm.. Wait! After A level! I shall go back to Chapter 2 to cut my hair! Hopefully Shawn will still b there, it's been more than a year by then... Haizzz.. I wanna cry le! My hair really sucks! And I can't tie it up, will make my face looks bigger!! I hate my BIG face!! Arg.. Maybe I can go HELEN and get a nice big bow hairband.. So people will get distracted by the bow and not notice my BIG FAT face? Ok.. Wait till I have money to get it.. Now, I need to slim down plus save $500 for my big makeover after A level!!! :D

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I'm so PISSED right now!! Can't believe that winson losed the keychain that I made for him on his birthday!!! Angry!!!