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Mei Qian =) 28th Feb 1990

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Met up with Andee and Keline yesterday for a chit chat session at admiralty mac. Though it was a short meet up, but I really did enjoy myself. Was nice chatting with them and updating each other regarding our lives. And we can just talk about everything and anything under the sun! :)

I'm glad I found these 3 friends in sec school, which made my life so much more colourful and fun. Really treasure this friendship of ours! So happy that all of us are doing well now and we are all attached with the one that we loved dearly.

It is really nice meeting up once awhile to chit chat and hang out at our usual hangout place, Admiralty mac. And it seems that everything is fated, we even lived near each other, all located in Admiralty. :D

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Haiz! It seems that all or most of the people around me are so fortunate!! Think I'm just one shit luck ttm! At most I can brainwash myself that life WILL be better! :) there is this Korean drama that I watched earlier on, the girl will repeat that she is beautiful, smart, pretty, capable and bla bla to herself 12 times a day to tell herself that life get better. But actually deep in her heart she knew that everything will still be the same and it's no use repeating all these trying to cheer herself up for things WILL still be the same. Sadded ttm k?

Anyway, I shall just kept on telling myself that despite it is of no use, at least I can lie to myself and take refuge in it for that short while. =/

Had gastric flu since ytd, doc gave me 2 days of MC but I don't think I've recovered much and I stupidly told my manager I will be fine by sat which means I gotta report to work tmr! Thanks!! I can still feel my stomach churning and it hurts! Hopefully I won't LS in my pants tmr:(( ouch! Stomach hurts again!!

Someone just reminded me, they just released the O Level results, soon it will be the A Levels. Ahhhhhhh! I'm so gonna die! The people around me did well for their O! One cousin got 8 for l1r5, another got 24, good enough to go poly. Will my A level be as good? Seriously, I don't mind getting straight Bs, just let me get into NUS Chinese studies, I'm more than greatful!! 0:) haiz. I think I had enough of this let me get into uni n I will be more than grateful kind of attitude. Even if I don't, I think I kinda deserve it! Can't blame others but to blame myself for not studying hard enough. Ok! Enough is enough of this result things!!

Life have been kinda boring after starting work. Everyday I've got to go through the same old mundane routine. My colleague is right, after you are used to it, you kinda like get immune to it alr and it's just your paycheck that motivates you to do the same old thing over and over again! That's why since young, they always said a career and a job is different and it is better to do something you like instead of something you don't like at all. Else you have to force yourself to repeat the same routine for the rest of your life! BORING!!

It's only been 1 week plus that I got my pay, and now, I feel so broke! I don't know where my money goes to :( I should really slap myself for being so spendthrift!! But I don't remember buying much things! Just one f21 dress which cost $25, a pair of slippers that is not comfy at all and movies, The blind side. That's all! Money!! Where are you??? Please return to my side!! I miss you lots!!

I should go sleep now, my tummy won't stop churning! :"(

Monday, January 11, 2010

Just came home from dinner with winson at Oscar, Conrad centennial Singapore! Went there to celebrate our 1 year anniversary! How time flies!! And we've come so far. Really never thought that we can come this far.

Anyway, he surprised me with roses, a bouquet of white roses. Teared when he gave them to me, never really thought that he will buy roses. And it was after the waitress served us the cake. I'm touched ttm!!

Hey baby, thanks for everything that you've done and planned today. Though it was a short celebration, I really did enjoy myself. Know that you don't have much money yourself, yet you are willing to spend so much for today. Really do appreciate it and happy 1 year anni!!! <3

Saturday, January 9, 2010

OMG!! The very first thing that came to my mind when I heard the news and when I saw her fb status was, WHAT THE HELLL?!?! My friend is only 21 this year and she got engaged!!! With her bf of only few months.. Like Woah!!

But somehow, I kinda envy her! Able to be a young bride and found a man who is able to provide for her at such a young age. And I just realized, most of my friends either has a well to do bf or well to do gf. Why?? Where's mine?? Haha! Maybe I'm never the lucky one and has to be satisfied with what I am and what I have now. :(

Anyway, all the best to my friend who is engaged. Though I really don't feel like congratulating her on her fb or blog! Haha!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Yeah!!! My pay is out!!! Mwahaha! You people out there, STOP exploiting me!!!! What interest rates start at 500% or 499%! Why don't you guys borrow from me, since I'm rich now! Interest rates starts at 100%!! Its so much more affordable compared with you guys'! :))))

Yesterday mum asked me, what am I planning to to if I can't get into government uni. So I said I planning to go SIM. My colleague who is in NUS now regretted ttm for entering NUS, which takes 4yrs to get the Honours Degree, whereas in private uni it takes you only 2years. But will cost you an additional 10K. I don't really know, but, despite this, I still really do hope/pray/wish that I can get into NUS Chinese Studies!

On the other hand, I also want to take horticulture! I think mum will kill me if she ever knew about this! If I go NP HLM, I will come out with a diploma in 3yrs time. But what I heard was it will be more towards theory. But I don't want landscape management, I just want purely horticulture! Why?! In the past, NParks do offer Diploma in horticulture, but they abolished it after NP started to offer HLM:(( my colleague told me to go overseas, at least I can come back with a degree. But of course, I will lose out compared with those NP studs who went there after their diploma. Cause they are already full with plants knowledge and I on the other hand have to start from scratch! Seriously, I do not mind at all. But just think about the cost of going for overseas uni, is enough to put the whole idea down.

Too bad, Im not borned in a well-to-do family. Too bad, I made the wrong choice and walked the wrong path the moment I got my O Levels result.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Have been using adult's farecard for the past few days and my conclusion is: IT'S EXPENSIVE TTM!!! Arg!! I just topped up a value of $20 in my card on top of my $4+, and now only after a few days, only left with $10++! In the past, I'm so used to using student's fare or even bus concession, which cost only $20++ a month. I can really feel the pinch Mann!! Especially, I have to take two buses to go to work! Sadded ttm!!! :((( maybe I should just walk to work or invest in a moutain bike so I can cycle to work. But a bit stupid leh, since I won't work for long or rather I wish/pray/hope I won't work for long! 0:)

Let me get into NUS Chinese studies and I promise I will be a good girl!!

Sweety Please with sugar on top!! :)