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Mei Qian =) 28th Feb 1990

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Is it that difficult to just sacrifice a bit for me? Is it? Maybe it is. Then let's end it. Maybe we started out wrongly, hence Im so dependent on you and have to see you almost everyday and still can't get enough of you.

Thank you for all the memories that you've given me, be it good or bad. It seems that many problems start to surface after the 'gift-exchange' day. We seems to have fights and quarrels more often lately.

I will learn. Learn not to love someone so much and depend on someone so much. For it will be harder for me to let go.

Anyone wants to celebrate my new single life with me? We could party all night! Drink, smoke, dance and even... for all we want.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

1 month break, am I able to take it? Never mind, since a decision has already been made between you and I. Usually they said whenever there is the cool off period in a relationship, the ending will most probably be a break up. Hopefully, we do not have to end up this way.

The decision was made over the phone. If it was being discussed face to face, I know I will not be able to make the decision. Hug me and I'm willing to forget about all those mistakes and wrongs that either one of us has made. You know my heart will go soft whenever I see you eye to eys. I'm so unwilling to let you go despite the constant fights and quarrels we have recently, but since the decision was made, then never mind. Maybe this is a test for us, to let me know whether I still truly love you or it is just a habit to have you by my side. But I do hope it's the former. I never once love you less.

Got this from Kel's blog which I find it really true. 'A woman who truly loves you will be angry with you for so many things but will still stick around.' Whereas, 'A man who truly loves you will never let you go, no matter how hard the situation is.' But I'm doubting the latter. If the man truly loves you, maybe he might want to let you go because he knew that the situation is really THAT bad and does not want you to suffer? I don't know. Tell me it's wrong. Cause you are willing to let me go, does that means that you do not truly loves me?

I think it's partly my fault that our relationship turns out to be this way. Since I'm the unreasonable one and also the temperament one. Everyone told me that you are a nice guy and I know it myself. Maybe cause you are too nice to me that I tend to take it for granted and let things ended up this way.

What are you doing now? No text, no call. True, it's a cool off period. So by right I should expect none of it. But why is it that it seems something is missing without you by my side and with no text or call to tell me how much you miss me?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mum's decision is final and no other feedbacks or comments will be entertained. Which I found it glad, like really really glad. For I don't see the need to. Ok never mind. Just please don't come an disturb me again k? Just wanna throw all these behind and lead my not-so-happy and not-so-peaceful life. Thank you very much!

Everyone is getting a lappy! Even baby is getting one! When's mine?! Haiz. Stupid unis! They don't want me! And I also don't feel like retaking A again, I'm willing to forfeit half of $558.50 that I paid. I got a job offer, a full time job. The job is hard and it pay fairly. But at least it has bonus, 6th n 12th month bonus and also a 3rd month bonus based on performance. It is a training officer at Singapore spalstic (or however u spelled it) association. At least with this job, I can take up social work or counselling next yr at UniSIM. but, mum's reaction is like... Forget it.

But if I worked there, maybe I can get a laptop? Hee hee! I think I'm mad - willing to do all sort of things just to get my hands on the laptop! Kill me! But actually, this job is a really good stepping stone for me to get into uniSIM. I don't know. Haiz! Stupid local unis! They took like forever to get back to you. If you want to reject us, tell us straight! Like WTF?! Now you are like making us wait forever an all our plans have to put on hold. Let's say if I got ur rejection letters and I can jollywell take up the job and continue with my life! Now I'm fucking stuck in between! CBKNN!!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Why must you call? Why must you disrupt my peaceful life? Don't you know the rules? Once given away, don't bother to ask how it is doing today and that you want to see it one last time! No! You can't. In the first place, since you have decided to give it away you should have see this coming and prepare to part with it for the rest of your life.

I might be mean but no, I don't see the need to go back and go through this ordeal. It is too much right from the start. The lady is innocent for all she wants is to see her one last time. But sorry, no. You should have known the answer when you called. Curse and swear for all you want. I've done my best already. Please don't push me any further. Don't make me into a really heartless person.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

I like Dads who bring their children to the garden to play even without the mom's company.
I like Dads who play with their children n do silly things with them, like hide n seek or even catching.
I like Dads who piggyback their children.
I like Dads who carry their children, instead of the mom.

Will u?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Went to had steak with winson last Sunday. It was nice! But it also burnt a hole in our wallet. We ordered two steaks and two drinks and it costed us $81++. I almost die. Ok! Shall try to order something cheaper next time round. xP

I want to quit my job!! Why didn't the Minds school call me? You guys called me the other time, but why not this time round? Please don't bear grudges! I didn't mean to reject the offer the other time round! It's cause, cause YOUR HR IS SUPER SLOW!! I waited and waited and you guys finally called when I accepted the job in botanic gardens! :(

I'm broke! Just after getting my pay for 1week! I should really kill myself a zillion times! What have I done? And I still haven't pay my phone bill of $92!! I was so happy shopping that I forgot tht I still have my phonebill to pay. Well done! Anyw, I went f21 and bought 2 blouses and a dress and a blouse from zara. Ok la, at least I chose those cheap ones, so in total I only spent bout $100. I can now only wait for next month's pay then I can go SHOPPING again! Mwahaha!!

Friday, April 9, 2010

I think whatever that happened at work made me feel so... I don't know. The feeling suck. It seems that the people around are not as friendly as they seem to be. Everyone have a hidden weapon which is out to kill you when you are not noticing.

I want to leave my job. But I know I can't. Cause I will never be accepted to a university. Never and that's the keyword.

Why is everyone wearing a mask? Please remove it, can you? I'm really greatly affected by this. Are they innocent? Nobody knows, except for themselves. Still, I don't think there is a need to terminate them without any trial. This thing will sure spread and you can't keep a fire wrapped under paper for long. Why must you blame others for spreading it without clarifying the whole thing? Even we don't say, so will others. But the thing is, why? Why so vicious? Using others to kick away those people you do not like?

This whole incident had transformed into a complicating issue. And involved so many people, innocent people.

The garden is not a good place to work at. The environment is nice but not the human environment. Everyone is cunning.

Please please please. Don't make me into one of them.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Oh, just ignore that entry underneath this.

Urgh! Guess I won't be able to leave him for good! But that doesn't mean you could take me for granted! Yes, you! I know you do read my blog from time to time. Make me disappointed again, and I will be gone for good! No matter what you text me or even appearing at my doorstep will help! Get it?!

For umpteen times, I've raised the topic of breaking up. For umpteen times, he managed to pull me back. I don't know what the hell I'm doing. I feel such a loser.

Anyw, mum said some people have received the uni acceptance letters. Guess I won't be receiving any! HAHA! Maybe I will, rejection letters(if any)! F me ttm! Feel so fucking failure la! Hohoho! Have to retake A levels again n I seriously don't have the motivation to do it, despite I've paid that lump sum of $558.50 for the retake. Fucking taking 4yrs to complete an A level course which others only took 2-3years! I'm loser ttm! LYNETTE NG IS A LOSER TTM!! Hohoho!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I think liars should die, so should I! Since I'm one too.

Fuck! I had enough of everything alr! How many times have u promised that u will not lie to me? And how many times have u broke that promise! Fuck! I'm damn fucking tired of everything!

Stay in your comfort zone for all you care! Tired? Then don't work! You can forever stay in your room and sleep and rest for all you want! From now on, you can start making all your plans without me in it and I will do so as well!

Stupid big fat liar! And I hate you to the max!!! Fuck off for good!

From now on, you are not part of me! Smoke all I want and club all I want and you better shut up! You should know the consequences the moment you decided to break your promises and fucking lie to me!
